A local charity for patients with vascular disease
SSCF history gallery
Our Treasurer, Prof. Waquar Yusuf, delivered the Presidential Lecture to the Brighton & Sussex Medico-Chirurgical Society Meeting in 2018 where he, and Committee Member Mario Caruana, met up with 2 founder members of the Sussex Stroke & Circulation Fund, Jon Rees, Consultant Neurologist and Robert Gumpert, General and Vascular Surgeon Both were instrumental in setting up the Charity and nurturing it through the early years.
Photographs from the history of the SSCF.
One of the first machines purchased by the Fund being demonstrated by Philip Somerville, Vascular Surgeon.
Angioscan Spectral Doppler System
Helen Liwicki in the old vascular lab with another donated machine.
Presentation of scanner to the X-Ray Department in the 1980s. The SSCF raised £12,000 of the £17,000 total cost.
Paul Hurst, Vascular Surgeon, scanning the local mayor following a donation by the rotary club.
Jennifer Redman, Cardiology Technician, who did the first vascular scanning.
The Fund refurbishes the Interventional Radiology Suite
Paul Hurst accepts a donation to purchase a “C” arm for use in theatres.
Sir Geoffrey Slaney and Phillip Somerville at the opening of the Vascular Suite 1992.
The Vascular Suite before.
The Vascular Suite after.
Helen Liwicki receiving funds raised at a 2002 barbeque. Also pictured are Michael Brooks and Simon Ward.
Diasonics “duplex” scanner.
Diasonics “duplex” scanner.
Desmond Lynam pictured with the Trustees of the Sussex Stroke and Circulation Fund at the official opening of the Vascular Assessment Unit on 19th March 2001.